12/28/2016 SC Municipal Fort Lines Fort Maher --- Wolcher Barkovitz (29) ($28) SWAP IT TO ME
Hunt = winner
Johnson = winner (front 9); Hunt = winner (back 9)
12/21/2016 SC Municipal Beuerlein Gillespie --- --- --- Lines Barkovitz (29) $17  
12/14/2016 Arroyo Trabuco Simonich Lines Beuerlein Pruitt --- Moothart Pruitt (29) $57 $750 collected; $500 for Muni Gifts
12/07/2016 Talega --- Moothart Gillespie English Gillespie --- Fort (27) ($133)  
11/29/2016 SC Municipal Johnson Barkovitz Lines Derman   Maher Spunt (30)* ($133)  
11/22/2016 SC Municipal Maher Gillespie Johnson ---   Moothart Moothart (31) ($83)  
11/16/2016 Arrowood Maher Hunt Gahan Maher   Valenzuela Maher (32) ($73)  
11/09/2016 SC Municipal Spunt Meyer Johnson English   Jolicoeur Gillespie (28)* ($68)  
11/02/2016 Talega Moothart Beuerlein** Maher** Gillespie Moothart Lines Pruitt (28)* ($43)  
10/26/2016 SC Municipal Pruitt/Meyer Derman** --- Maher --- Barkovitz --- ($53) Bennett Derman wins 2016 Lienzo Cup
Team Valenzuela, Pruitt, Maher & Hunt win 4-Man Scramble
10/19/2016 Arroyo Trabuco Johnson Johnson Simonich Gillespie --- Maher Derman (29)* ($7)  
10/12/2016 SC Municipal Maher Fort Johnson Derman --- Pruitt Fiechtner (29) $33  
10/05/2016 Talega Johnson** Johnson Lacaff** Gillespie James --- Derman (28) $58  
09/28/2016 SC Municipal Meyer Meyer Beuerlein Lacaff --- --- Maher (28) $43  
09/21/2016 Arrowood Meyer Meyer Lacaff Lacaff --- Maher Johnson (31) $43  
09/14/2016 San Juan Hills --- Gillespie Derman --- Beuerlein** Gillespie Derman (28) $43  
09/06/2016 Arroyo Trabuco --- --- --- --- --- --- --- $63 Addie Moothart Memorial Outing
08/31/2016 SC Municipal Lacaff Meyer --- Gillespie --- Maher Lacaff (27) $63  
08/24/2016 SC Municipal Fiechtner James James Derman --- James Meyer (26) $63 2017 Lienzo Cup Rounds III & IV
08/17/2016 Arroyo Trabuco Moothart Maher Lacaff James --- Moothart   $44 2017 Lienzo Cup Rounds I & II
08/10/2016 SC Municipal Gahan Pruitt Lacaff Gillespie --- Derman   $43 2016 Lienzo Cup Rounds I & II
08/03/2016 Talega Ritchie Moothart English Johnson** Beuerlein Pruitt Lacaff (29) $23    
07/27/2016 SC Municipal Moothart Simonich Moothart Meyer --- Maher James (29) $23    
07/20/2016 Arrowood Hunt Moothart Simonich Barkovitz --- Dumphy (Barkovitz) Fiechtner (30)* $23    
07/13/2016 SC Municipal Fiechtner Moothart Derman Lacaff --- Pruitt Johnson (26) $43    
07/06/2016 Oak Creek Meyer Gillespie Meyer Moothart --- Spunt Fiechtner (29) $24  
06/29/2016 SC Municipal Fort Moothart --- Lacaff --- Jolicoeur Fort (28) $122  
06/22/2016 SC Municipal Gillespie Derman James --- --- Gillespie Gillespie (28) $112  
06/15/2016 Arroyo Trabuco Moothart Cox Spunt Roberts --- Beuerlein Beuerlein (33) $107  
06/08/2016 SC Municipal Derman Ford Maher --- --- Meyer Fort (29) $97 SWAP IT TO ME
Cox = winner (card off against Meyer)
Spunt = winner (front 9)
Fort = winner (back 9)
06/01/2016 Talega Spunt Maher** Roberts Simonich Beuerlein** Roberts Gillespie (25) <$218>  
05/25/2016 SC Municipal Gillespie Maher Cox Derman** --- Pruitt --- <$218> BEAT THE BIG DOGS
Group 1 Pack winners = Fort, Valenzuela, Pruitt
Group 2 Big Dog winner = Maher
Group 3 Pack winners = Johnson, Gahan, English
Group 4 Pack winners = Spunt, Simonich, Ritchie, James
05/18/2016 Arrowood Alan Manzo Derman** Gahan Derman --- Alan Manzo Derman (30) <$238>  
05/11/2016 San Juan Hills --- Meyer Beuerlein Meyer Meyer** James James (31) <$138>  
05/04/2016 Talega Valenzuela Moothart Norm Pruitt Ford** Beuerlein** Gillespie Gahan (31) <$138>  
04/27/2016 SC Municipal Gillespie Maher** James --- --- English Maher (26) <$148>  
04/20/2016 Arroyo Trabuco English Spunt Spunt Cox --- Beuerlein James (30) <$153>  
04/13/2016 SC Municipal Jolicoeur Simonich Maher --- --- English Spunt (29) <$178>  
04/06/2016 Temecula Creek James Meyer --- English --- Barkovitz --- <$173> 2016 DUFFERS MEMORIAL SCRAMBLE
Derman + Ritchie + James = winners
03/30/2016 SC Municipal Jolicoeur Maher --- Derman** --- Derman Derman (29) <$33>  
03/23/2016 SC Municipal Fiechtner Jolicoeur --- --- --- Johnson James (32)* <$38> SWAP IT TO ME
Derman = winner
Derman = winner front 9; Derman = winner back 9
03/16/2016 Arrowood Ford Simonich James Gahan   Johnson Fiechtner (28) <$38>  
03/09/2016 Talega Beuerlein Beuerlein Preston Ritchie Valenzuela Spunt James (28) <$38>  
03/02/2016 Talega Valenzuela Meyer** Roberts** Roberts Meyer** Valenzuela Meyer (31)* <$38>  
02/24/2016 SC Municipal Maher Simonich James Barkovitz --- Cox Derman (29) <$43>  
02/17/2016 Arroyo Trabuco Roberts Roberts Cox Gillespie** --- English Maher (30) <$48>  
02/10/2016 SC Municipal James Cox Fiechtner Derman --- Cox Maher (31) <$38> SWAP IT TO ME
English = winner
Maher = winner front 9; Johnson = winner back 9
02/03/2016 Talega James Brooks (Johns'n) Meyer Cox Jolicoeur** Johnson Maher (29 $13  
01/27/2016 SC Municipal Barkovitz** Barkovitz Maher Spunt --- Nieves Maher (27) $38  
01/20/2016 Arrowood Derman** Moothart --- Gillespie --- Derman Cox (32) $34  
01/13/2016 SC Municipal Johnson Simonich Derman Cox --- Cox Derman (30) $54 SO WHAT'S YOUR POINT
Barkovitz = winner
01/06/2016 Talega Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain $8  
* Card Off ** Birdie