12/26/2018 SC Municipal Hunt Hunt --- --- --- Derman Derman (33) $169 Don Gahan sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 65th bday + RETIREMENT!
12/19/2018 Tijeras Creek Wolcher Lines** Lines Lines --- Connor Wolcher (32)* $129  
12/12/2018 SC Municipal Moothart Moothart --- Wolcher --- Lines Jolicoeur (28) ($241) $500 for Muni Staff gifts
12/05/2018 SC Talega Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain Rain $379  
11/28/2018 SC Municipal Wolcher Lines Barkovitz Derman --- Wolcher Valenzuela (30)* $379 Bill Barkovitz sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 74th Bday
11/21/2018 SC Municipal --- --- --- --- --- English Gahan (32) $319  
11/14/2018 Arrowood --- O'Connor Gillespie --- --- Ritchie Gahan (32) $329  
11/07/2018 Talega Spunt Meyer** Meyer Pruitt Gillespie** Lines Gillespie (32)* $329 Ron Gillespie sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 79th Bday
10/31/2018 SC Municipal Milne Gahan --- Milne --- Milne Milne (29) $254 Bill Moothart sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 84th Bday
10/24/2018 SC Municipal Lines Derman Lines --- --- Derman Lines (32)* $194  
10/17/2018 Tijeras Creek Connnor Wolcher Gillespie Wolcher --- Gahan Lines (29) $214  
10/10/2018 SC Municipal Milne Johnson --- Barkovitz --- Lines Ritchie (28) $214 Len Hunt sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 77th Bday
10/03/2018 Talega Connor Barkovitz Jolicoeur** Preston** Milne** Connor Gahan (27) $214  
09/26/2018 SC Municipal Moothart Hunt Wolcher Miln --- Milne Preston (30) $214 Duffers Get Well cards (Beuerlein, Maher, Gillespie, Simonich) $36
09/19/2018 Arrowood Meyer Meyer Derman Moothart --- Preston Milne (31) $264  
09/12/2018 SC Municipal Wolcher Milne** --- Wolcher --- Wolcher Spunt (25) $350  
09/05/2018 Talega Lacaff Maher Barkovitz Johnson Hunt Valenzuela Maher (25) $375  
08/29/2018 SC Municipal Cox English Meyer Milne --- Lines Maher (27) $380 LIENZO CUP: Maher def Derman 4/3. Maher = 2018 Lienzo Cup Champion!
Lou Wolcher sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 71st Bday.
08/22/2018 SC Municipal Derman** Milne --- --- --- Johnson Cox (30) $270 WHAT'S THE POINT
(Winners: Lacaff (overall); Lacaff/Derman (tie front 9); Lacaff (back 9)
08/15/2018 Tijeras Creek Johnson** Derman Johnson Lacaff --- Lines Johnson (30) $318  
08/08/2018 SC Municipal Barkovitz Johnson --- Wolcher --- Meyer Milne (28) $323  
08/01/2018 Talega --- Hunt Milne Milne Meyer Preston Barkovitz (28) $365 Fred Meyer sponsors food at 19th hole in honor of his 79th Bday.
07/25/2018 SC Municipal Johnson** Johnson Pruitt --- --- Derman Pruitt (30)* $360 LIENZO CUP: Derman def English 1/0
Maher def Johnson 0/0 (tiebreaker determines winner)
07/18/2018 Arrowood Wolcher Lines Lacaff Ritchie --- Moothart Pruitt (29)* $385  
07/11/2018 Talega Lacaff Derman Lacaff Derman Lacaff** Moothart Gahan (31) $450  
06/27/2018 SC Municipal Lacaff Beuerlein --- Jolicoeur --- Lines Milne (27) $470  
06/19/2018 Tijeras Creek Barkovitz Cox Beuerlein Barkovitz --- Barkovitz Beuerlein (31) $470  
06/12/2018 SC Municipal Pruitt Lacaff Lacaff --- --- Milne Meyer (29) $515 Derman def Johnson 3/2; English def Wolcher 1/0;
Maher def Pruitt 5/4 (Lienzo Cup)
06/05/2018 Talega Meyer** Ford** English Valenzuela Wolcher Meyer Milne (30) $525 lienzoduffers.com domain registration + email
through 06/2019 ($122)
05/30/2018 SC Municipal Milne Ritchie --- Milne --- Cox Wolcher (28) $667  
05/23/2018 SC Municipal Ford Lines --- Derman --- Lines Meyer (30) $687  
05/16/2018 Arrowood Beuerlein Simonich Simonich Beuerlein**
+ Lovoy
--- Beuerlein/Lovoy Milne (27) $687  
05/09/2018 SC Municipal Wolcher Ritchie Barkovitz --- --- Barkovitz Ritchie (30) $677 Duffers Derman (71), Spunt (83) and Valenzuela (83) sponsor 19th
hole at Sonny's in honor of their Bdays
05/02/2018 Talega Valenzuela Cox Lines Lines Jolicoeur Derman Barkovitz (28)* $582 Vern Johnson sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 83rd Bday
04/25/2018 SC Municipal Beuerlein Ritchie --- --- --- Wolcher Ritchie (30) $507 Steve Cox sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 73rd Bday
04/18/2018 Tijeras Creek Spunt --- --- --- --- Ritchie Derman (29) $422 Warren Preston sponsors 19th hole in honor of his 76th Bday
04/17/2018 Temecula Creek --- --- --- English --- English English (22) $352  
04/16/2018 Temecula Creek Maher Maher Wolcher*** Wolcher --- English Wolcher (28) $352 Lou Wolcher Hole-in-One Oaks #3 (picks up bar tab at dinner)
04/11/2018 SC Municipal English Derman Meyer Wolcher --- Lines Spunt (28) $352  
04/05/2018 Talega Maher Pruitt** Spunt Spunt Johnson Johnson Johnson (28) $367  
03/28/2018 Arrowood Barkovitz Johnson Lines Meyer --- English Derman (29) $387  
03/21/2018 Arrowood --- Simonich Ford Ford --- Spunt --- $402  
03/14/2018 SC Municipal Barkovitz Derman --- Maher --- Cox --- $402 Ed Maher sponsors 19th Hole in honor of his 78th Bday
03/07/2018 Talega Spunt** Beuerlein Lines Beuerlein Simonich Pruitt Derman (28) $297  
02/28/2018 SC Municipal Barkovitz Derman --- --- --- Cox Johnson (32) $302  
02/21/2018 Tijeras Creek Gillespie --- Johnson Derman --- Hunt Spunt (30) $317  
02/14/2018 SC Municipal Johnson Johnson --- --- --- Lines Barkovitz (30) $347  
02/07/2018 Talega Beuerlein Valenzuela Preston Valenzuela Simonich English Milne (31)* $337 Larry Ford sponsors 19th Hole in honor of his 73rd Bday
01/24/2018 SC Municipal Beuerlein Valenzuela --- --- --- Johnson Ford (32) $277 Al Beuerlein sponsors 19th Hole in honor of his 81st Bday
01/17/2018 Arrowood Wolcher Pruitt Simonich Ford --- Spunt Derman (29) $202 John Simonich sponsors 19th Hole in honor of his 71st Bday
01/10/2018 SC Municipal Gillespie Barkovitz --- English --- Lines Gillespie (30) $102  
01/03/2018 Talega Johnson Wolcher James Nieves Johnson Pruitt Johnson (29) $117  
                  *CARD OFF **BIRDIE